It’s all getting very exciting here at Tower-central.

We’ve been the very fortunate recipient of some financial support from Eastbourne Council in the form of some devolved budget.  This is the money held by electoral wards to support initiatives in their ward that address their priorities for their area.

For the Friends, it means that we could reimburse ExtraVerte for the money they loaned us to buy torches and protective gear for the clearance workparties.  Now we’ve gone on to buy a couple of fire extinguishers, a floor plate to protect the rotting cistern cover in the basement, some tape to wrap the handrails on the stairs and a couple of wind-up torches for times when our rechargeable ones run out on site.

The final preparations for this weekend’s performances of M R James ghost stories are underway, and I’m watching a gentle stream of ticket sales being reported via email.

Yesterday the Eastbourne Council events team delivered some chairs for one of the performances (thanks Mal and colleague), today there are a few more details to sort out.

Tickets are still on sale for “Oh Whistle…” at the Redoubt at our box-office site but there will be some tickets for sale on the door for cash.  Join us…it’ll be great to see you.

But – even now, Shirley is planning for the next fundraising event.  Watch this space

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