We were very excited for the annual celebration of our heritage: Heritage Open Days. Even more so than usual because we’d invited students and staff of TechResort, a local tech-based education organisation, to join us and show us the project they’d been working on with the financial support of the Heritage Lottery Fund “Sharing Heritage”. The device is called Info-Fi because it shares information like WiFi but just to your device without connecting to the Internet (so no data charges from your phone provider).

It was a brilliant day with over 350 visitors and so many of them opting to get additional information about the tower by consulting our new digital repository of information which was being test on site. TechResort’s tablet computers were on a constant state of rotation – being handed to vistors who used them for their tour and and handed them back at the end to be given to someone else. Somevisitors used their own smart phones to consult the information – just as had been planned.

The TechResort students were on hand to give a bit of tech advice and to explain how the device, which they designed and built themselves, worked.

If you weren’t able to join us you can come along on 9th, 15th or 16th September and get a tour of the tower. The TechResort crew will be around with their device from 12 until about 3 each day. Final installation of the device should happen in Spring next year.
Meanwhile, get a preview of the information via this part of the WEBSITE.

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