Easter weekend saw frantic activity in the Tower as new tour guides got to grips with their subject; A frame boards were fabricated and adorned with information; a large display board was set up inside the tower with pictures and information and our new guides took to task of showing visitors around the Wish Tower.

We convened on Good Friday to prepare the tower and hold some tours for friends and other folk who have encouraged us in opening the building. It gave us the chance to really see how long it takes to get a good look around and to find out what gaps there are in our knowledge as visitors ask questions we’d never even thought of. Liz and Sam lead the first tour with Paul, Shirley, Terry and Lee in the “audience”. As the day went on Shirley and Paul took over the guiding as more visitors came in. We all went home tired but pleased that it went well and everyone enjoyed their visit.


The trip encompasses a bit of history, a bit of architecture and a bit of engineering…and every time someone asks a question we don’t know the answer to.  We like this. Saturday dawned and Paul and Shirley led the tours for the first “booked” visitors


From basement to roof, and around the outside everyone seemed to really enjoy the atmosphere of the tour. We all had a day off on Sunday and then Terry and Lee took on the guiding on Monday. The enthusiasm of all our guides really rubs off on the visitors and everyone gets into the swing of it.




But remember, it’s not just the tour guides who make the events happen – we have people behind the scenes putting together booklets and worksheets, getting badges made, building A boards and laminating notices and putting together displays for inside.  It’s a real team effort.

In a couple of weeks we’ll review how we’ve done, and what we do next (and when). If you’d like to join the merry gang to help with tours or do some other things, then get in touch. Meanwhile, keep an eye out on our events page to see when the next tours are, and tell your friends.

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