Apologies to anyone awaiting the last update about the Discovery Days event – I got rather overtaken by events.

Just to recap – our Discovery Days event took place in the Towner early in January.

Partly it was a chance to share information we already knew about the Wish Tower, and other Martellos but also for people to tell us things they knew or remembered. Also, by having information in a variety of formats, we hoped to appeal to a variety of people and the different ways of interacting.

All in all, the 400 or so people that came along reinforced our belief that the Tower is important to Eastbourne and its identity; it’s seen as a landmark and people want to be enjoyed by as many people as possible.

Here are the last few images of the event:

Our volunteer, Shirley. By day GP practice manager, out of hours she leads tours, greets exhibition visitors and counts the number of visitors to our exhibition

Here’s some of the things that people said about the Tower and the exhibition – an overwhelmingly positive response

Here’s artist, Mary, interviewing local Martello expert, Peter.

…and a couple of pictures of our great friends, staff at Towner, who helped us set up, directed our visitors and generally enthused.


A couple of our volunteers managed to evade the all-seeing eye of our camera, but just because you can’t see a picture of them, doesn’t mean we love them any less. There’s Lee who is a Trading Standards officer during the week, and a stalwart guide at the weekends and there’s another Peter who spent most of the weekend showing people around the tower.

Volunteering at the Tower has brought this disparate group together and share their enjoyment of the Tower with other people so that everyone benefits. It makes me really proud to be a part of the team.

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