The Wish Tower Friends have produced a Conservation Management Plan for the Tower with the help of local experts, Eastbourne Borough Council and Historic England.

This was part of a project funded by donations to the Friends as well as the Heritage Lottery Fund. The plan describes the history of the tower and the Wish Tower site and details features of historic, architectural and cultural significance. It also considers the future of the tower, evaluates its physical condition and sets out plans for its repair and restoration.

An electronic copy of the final plan is now available to download, free of charge, to anyone with an interest in the tower or, for that matter, anyone with an interest in the history and preservation of old buildings.

Simply click on either of these links to download a print quality (45MB) or lower resolution (8MB) copy (pdf reader required).

We’d love to hear your feedback on this document so please get in touch. You’ll also see how much it’s going to cost should we manage to get the tower fully repaired so please consider visiting our donations page.

Categories: HistoryNews